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Outputs (67)

The plagiarist on trial (2018)
Journal Article

It is true that plagiarism is not a legal concept in the strict sense. It is not defined by any statute or specifically regulated by the common law. Neither industry-specific codes nor policy amount to law, regardless of their consequences. However,... Read More about The plagiarist on trial.

“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”: The French Constitutional Court confirms the constitutional status and force of the principle of fraternity (2018)
Journal Article

In its Decision n° 2018-717/718 QPC of 06 juillet 2018 - M. Cédric H. et autre [Délit d'aide à l'entrée, à la circulation ou au séjour irréguliers d'un étranger (Criminal offence of providing assistance to a foreigner entering, moving and residing il... Read More about “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”: The French Constitutional Court confirms the constitutional status and force of the principle of fraternity.

Written Evidence - Bribery Act 2010 (2018)

The submission provides a summary of the research conducted by Professor Nicholas Ryder on the Bribery Act 2010. The submission presents a summary of the key findings.