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Outputs (67)

EU and US privacy law running on a collision course: Is there anything like a ‘right to be forgotten’ and can lessons be learnt from Google Spain v. AEPD and González (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The increasing use of modern communication technologies in the commercial and public sectors is constituting a threat to privacy and data protection today. A citizen who whispers in the closet—I want to be forgotten—is often appalled to hear their fa... Read More about EU and US privacy law running on a collision course: Is there anything like a ‘right to be forgotten’ and can lessons be learnt from Google Spain v. AEPD and González.

Towards a conceptualisation of the regulatory autonomy and the public interest in international investment law (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The intersectionality between international investment rules and socio-economic development is a site of academic debate. While, scholars aptly assert that international investment law needs to take account of the public interest within the host Stat... Read More about Towards a conceptualisation of the regulatory autonomy and the public interest in international investment law.