Outputs (28)
The secret achievements of nineteenth century nuisance law (2007)
Journal Article
An in-depth, micro-contextual analysis of Attorney General v Birmingham Corporation (1858), charting the clean up of sewage pollution through the enforcemt of the common law of nusiance during the industrial revolution.
The torture debate (2007)
Journal Article
The dissonance between the United Nations zero-tolerance policy and the criminalisation of sexual offences on the international level (2007)
Journal Article
As a growing number of stories unravelled the involvement of United Nations peacekeepers in human trafficking and sexual exploitation cases, the United Nations adopted in 2003 and implemented a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual encounters between... Read More about The dissonance between the United Nations zero-tolerance policy and the criminalisation of sexual offences on the international level.
An unusual silence (2007)
Journal Article
Challenging corporate 'humanity': Legal disembodiment, embodiment and human rights (2007)
Journal Article
This article interrogates the corporate use of human rights discourse. It does so in light of concern surrounding corporate distortion of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) paradigm, and in light of the fact that corporations can claim... Read More about Challenging corporate 'humanity': Legal disembodiment, embodiment and human rights.
Unconscionability and the taxonomy of undue influence (2007)
Journal Article
Integrated pollution control in Victorian Britain: Rethinking progress within the history of environmental law (2007)
Journal Article
Three theories of the history of environmental are introduced, applied, and discussed: 'progress'; 'constraint'; and 'cycle' theories. The cycle theory is defended in relation to an extended case study of integrated pollution control legislation, 186... Read More about Integrated pollution control in Victorian Britain: Rethinking progress within the history of environmental law.
Consultation document: Bearing good witness - Proposals for reforming the delivery of medical expert evidence in family law cases (2007)
Journal Article
Several high‐profile criminal cases, such as those of Sally Clark, Angela Cannings, Trupti Patel and Donna Anthony – all wrongly convicted of the murder of their children on the basis of flawed expert evidence – have raised serious questions about th... Read More about Consultation document: Bearing good witness - Proposals for reforming the delivery of medical expert evidence in family law cases.