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Outputs (6)

Fertile or futile grounds for excluding criminal responsibility? A critical analysis of the Ongwen judgment in relation to the claim of coercive environment (2023)
Journal Article

Dominic Ongwen was convicted and sentenced for numerous atrocities by the International Criminal Court (icc) in 2021. The Defence focused on the coercive environment that Ongwen was subjected to from his abduction as a boy until his surrender as an a... Read More about Fertile or futile grounds for excluding criminal responsibility? A critical analysis of the Ongwen judgment in relation to the claim of coercive environment.

Understanding the link between contested territories, war crimes and economic crimes - prosecution and prevention (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

After presenting the concept of war crimes, this presentation explores whether economic crimes (in a wide understanding of the concept) committed in the occupied territories of Ukraine can be prosecuted as war crimes. The second part of the presentat... Read More about Understanding the link between contested territories, war crimes and economic crimes - prosecution and prevention.

Imagine you were a judge of the Nuremberg trials and you were sent to the ICC in 2020 (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The premise of my presentation today is that the definition of war crimes in the Nuremberg Principles is a ‘mother’ definition, one that can lead to the criminalisation of further violations of international humanitarian law. After all, Principle VI(... Read More about Imagine you were a judge of the Nuremberg trials and you were sent to the ICC in 2020.