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Outputs (5)

E-Wallets, money laundering and terrorism financing: Is the voluntary exchange of information the panacea? (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This presentation is divided into three parts. Part I provides a brief overview of E-Wallets, it identifies their unprecedented growth and identifies their abuse by money launderers. Part II comments on the effectiveness of the traditional anti-mon... Read More about E-Wallets, money laundering and terrorism financing: Is the voluntary exchange of information the panacea?.

Terrorism financing and fraud – the unseen (seen) nexus? A broken policy and a series of missed opportunities (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This presentation identifies a detailed and authoritative terrorism financing fraud typology and a disjointed counter-terrorism financing/counter-fraud policies. The paper recommends that the fraud typology could be used as a disruptive mechanism an... Read More about Terrorism financing and fraud – the unseen (seen) nexus? A broken policy and a series of missed opportunities.