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Outputs (8)

Terrorism financing and fraud – the unseen (seen) nexus? A broken policy and a series of missed opportunities (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper adds to the existing literature by highlighting how terrorism financiers have been able to accrue funding by different types of fraud. and it divided into five parts. The first part of the article identifies a comprehensive terrorism fina... Read More about Terrorism financing and fraud – the unseen (seen) nexus? A broken policy and a series of missed opportunities.

Counter-terrorist financing, cryptoassets, social media platforms, and suspicious activity reports: A step into the regulatory unknown (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper is divided into three parts. Firstly, the paper presents evidence how terrorism financiers are able to operate via the Internet and social media platforms. Secondly, it enhances the understanding of the use of Defence against Terrorism Fin... Read More about Counter-terrorist financing, cryptoassets, social media platforms, and suspicious activity reports: A step into the regulatory unknown.

Cryptoassets, social media platforms and defence against terrorism financing suspicious activity reports: A step into the regulatory unknown (2020)
Journal Article

This paper is divided into three parts. Firstly, the paper presents evidence how terrorism financiers are able to operate via the Internet and social media platforms. Secondly, it enhances the understanding of the use of Defence against Terrorism Fin... Read More about Cryptoassets, social media platforms and defence against terrorism financing suspicious activity reports: A step into the regulatory unknown.

Counter-terrorist financing, cryptoassets, social media platforms, and suspicious activity reports: A step into the regulatory unknown (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper is divided into three parts. The first part of the paper identifies a new and emerging terrorism funding model via cryptoassets and social media platforms – the Social Networking Funding Model. The paper enhances the understanding of the... Read More about Counter-terrorist financing, cryptoassets, social media platforms, and suspicious activity reports: A step into the regulatory unknown.