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Outputs (7)

The responses of states to the transnational problem of conflict fleeing migrants and refugees: A New Haven school perspective (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

International law imposes obligations on states to search for missing migrants and respect the rights of their surviving families. Despite the existence of such obligations, in recent years, the perilous journeys of migrants fleeing armed conflicts a... Read More about The responses of states to the transnational problem of conflict fleeing migrants and refugees: A New Haven school perspective.

How transnationally effective are the UK migration policies in relation to missing migrants? A transnational law perspective (2021)
Journal Article

All over the world, several thousands of migrants go missing when they attempt to flee from war, violence, persecution, repressive regimes, systematic human rights violations etc. Thousands die each year in deadly shipwrecks in a desperate attempt to... Read More about How transnationally effective are the UK migration policies in relation to missing migrants? A transnational law perspective.

How transnationally effective are the UK migration policies in relation to missing migrants? (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

All over the world, several thousands of migrants go missing when they attempt to flee from war, violence, persecution, repressive regimes, systematic human rights violations etc. Thousands die each year in deadly shipwrecks in a desperate attempt to... Read More about How transnationally effective are the UK migration policies in relation to missing migrants?.

EU and US privacy law running on a collision course: Is there anything like a ‘right to be forgotten’ and can lessons be learnt from Google Spain v. AEPD and González (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The increasing use of modern communication technologies in the commercial and public sectors is constituting a threat to privacy and data protection today. A citizen who whispers in the closet—I want to be forgotten—is often appalled to hear their fa... Read More about EU and US privacy law running on a collision course: Is there anything like a ‘right to be forgotten’ and can lessons be learnt from Google Spain v. AEPD and González.

Pull and Push'- Implementing the complementarity principle of the Rome statute of the ICC within the AU: Opportunities and challenges (2018)
Journal Article

The complementarity principle of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is an international legal principle that governs the relationship between two; sometimes; contrasting international principles of law; namely sovereign equali... Read More about Pull and Push'- Implementing the complementarity principle of the Rome statute of the ICC within the AU: Opportunities and challenges.

Missing migrants: Is missing data the missing link and can potentials of the big data regime be leveraged to bridge information gaps? (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The UNHCR estimates that in 2018, well over 75,000 migrants arrived in Europe by sea while more than 1,500 have been reported dead or missing (UNHCR, 2018). While missing migrants are defined using the fact that their families do not have any knowled... Read More about Missing migrants: Is missing data the missing link and can potentials of the big data regime be leveraged to bridge information gaps?.

Sorry but the UK is full to capacity: Comprehending the UK policy approach to tackling the Europe migrant crisis (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

"Let the migrants drown, we have lost our sense of common humanity" is widely believed by critics to be the UK’s perceived policy stance about migrants trying to reach Europe. The UK government on its own believes that the rescue operations in the Me... Read More about Sorry but the UK is full to capacity: Comprehending the UK policy approach to tackling the Europe migrant crisis.