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Outputs (2)

The effects of psychosocial and behavioral interventions on depressive and anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2023)
Journal Article

Psychosocial and behavioral interventions have been shown to significantly reduce depressive and anxiety symptoms in different populations. Recent evidence suggests that the mental health of the general population has deteriorated significantly since... Read More about The effects of psychosocial and behavioral interventions on depressive and anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Clinical effectiveness of mindfulness-based music therapy on improving emotional regulation in blind older women: A randomized controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article

Background: This study aimed to investigate clinical effectiveness of a structured eight-week mindfulness-based music therapy (MBMT) program on improving mood regulation in older women with blindness. This investigation compared a MBMT group with a m... Read More about Clinical effectiveness of mindfulness-based music therapy on improving emotional regulation in blind older women: A randomized controlled trial.