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Outputs (3)

“Work with us… to make it more accessible”. What women with intellectual disabilities want from infant-feeding health resources: An exploratory study (2023)
Journal Article

Background: More women with intellectual disabilities are becoming mothers but fewer are known to breastfeed compared with other women. Women with intellectual disabilities are entitled to accessible antenatal and infant feeding information, yet are... Read More about “Work with us… to make it more accessible”. What women with intellectual disabilities want from infant-feeding health resources: An exploratory study.

Parental engagement with complementary feeding information in the United Kingdom: A qualitative evidence synthesis (2023)
Journal Article

Complementary feeding is the process of introducing solid foods to milk‐fed infants (also known as weaning). Current UK guidance states that complementary feeding should occur around 6 months but not before 4 months. This systematic review explores h... Read More about Parental engagement with complementary feeding information in the United Kingdom: A qualitative evidence synthesis.

Supporting women with learning disabilities to feed their babies (2023)
Digital Artefact

This short film was co-produced with researchers and people with a learning disability to make research findings accessible. The research looked at supporting women with learning disabilities to make decisions about how to feed their babies.