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Outputs (4)

Local government interventions for improving the health and wellbeing of tenants in private rented housing: Developing initial program theory to inform evaluation in the United Kingdom (2024)
Journal Article

Background: Housing is an important wider determinant of health. Private Rented Sector (PRS) housing is generally the worst quality of housing stock across tenures. Although a wide range of interventions are available to local governments to manage a... Read More about Local government interventions for improving the health and wellbeing of tenants in private rented housing: Developing initial program theory to inform evaluation in the United Kingdom.

Improving public health through housing: Critical reflections on current housing delivery approaches in England (2024)

Housing may be the most powerful and underused tool at our disposal to improve population health. Despite substantial evidence showing which features of housing are beneficial or detrimental to health, too often people are living in homes which have... Read More about Improving public health through housing: Critical reflections on current housing delivery approaches in England.

An exploration of greenspace metric proximity and NDVI vs configurational accessibility from residential postcodes in the West of England (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Greenspaces are recognised as important features of an urban environment which are visited by residents for different purposes. This paper investigates the relationship between residents in the West of England and their surrounding greenspaces, by st... Read More about An exploration of greenspace metric proximity and NDVI vs configurational accessibility from residential postcodes in the West of England.