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Outputs (17)

Where are we now? A multicountry qualitative study to explore access to pre-Antiretroviral care services: A precursor to antiretroviral therapy initiation (2017)
Journal Article

Objective To explore barriers and facilitators to accessing postdiagnosis HIV care in five sub-Saharan African countries. Methods In-depth interviews were conducted with 77 people living with HIV (PLHIV) in pre-Antiretroviral therapy care or not-yet-... Read More about Where are we now? A multicountry qualitative study to explore access to pre-Antiretroviral care services: A precursor to antiretroviral therapy initiation.

Tensions in relation: How peer support is experienced and received in a hepatitis C treatment intervention (2017)
Journal Article

Background Peer support and involvement is recognised as a vital component of hepatitis C (HCV) treatment provision for marginalised populations, such as people who inject drugs (PWID). Developments in HCV treatments enable increased provision in com... Read More about Tensions in relation: How peer support is experienced and received in a hepatitis C treatment intervention.

Stigma- and non-stigma-related treatment barriers to mental healthcare reported by service users and caregivers (2015)
Journal Article

Delayed treatment seeking for people experiencing symptoms of mental illness is common despite available mental healthcare. Poor outcomes are associated with untreated mental illness and caregivers may eventually need to seek help on the service user... Read More about Stigma- and non-stigma-related treatment barriers to mental healthcare reported by service users and caregivers.

How does a decision aid help people decide whether to disclose a mental health problem to employers? Qualitative interview study (2014)
Journal Article

Background Decisions about whether to disclose mental health problems to employers are complex, with potential personal, employment and legal implications. Decision aids are evidence based tools, designed to help individuals make specific choices bet... Read More about How does a decision aid help people decide whether to disclose a mental health problem to employers? Qualitative interview study.

Exploring stigmatisation among people diagnosed with either bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder: A critical realist analysis (2014)
Journal Article

This study explores experiences of stigma and discrimination amongst people diagnosed with bipolar disorder (BD) or borderline personality disorder (BPD). Inspired by Margaret Archer's morphogenetic sequence and the ontological depth of critical real... Read More about Exploring stigmatisation among people diagnosed with either bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder: A critical realist analysis.

Social inclusion, stigma and discrimination relating to employment and physical health: the experiences of people with a bipolar disorder diagnosis (2011)
Journal Article

Background/Objectives: To date, schizophrenia and depression have been the main focus of mental illness stigma research. Such research has typically taken a quantitative approach and surveyed public opinion rather the subjective experiences of people... Read More about Social inclusion, stigma and discrimination relating to employment and physical health: the experiences of people with a bipolar disorder diagnosis.