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Outputs (77)

P 351 - A prototype secondary standard calorimeter for dosimetry of conventional and ultra-high dose rate protons (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Ionisation chambers are commonly used as secondary standard detectors, however these are less suited for ultra-high
dose rates (UHDR), or FLASH dosimetry, because of collection inefficiency due to ion recombination. Calorimetry shows
promise for UH... Read More about P 351 - A prototype secondary standard calorimeter for dosimetry of conventional and ultra-high dose rate protons.

P 134 - Performance, functionality, and future upgrades of the Christie proton research beamline for radiobiology (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The University of Manchester/Christie NHS FT proton research room (Figure 1) has been operational since late 2019 occupying the 4th gantry room of the proton therapy centre and is served by the same accelerator as the clinical rooms. This room offers... Read More about P 134 - Performance, functionality, and future upgrades of the Christie proton research beamline for radiobiology.

Pluralibacter (2023)
Book Chapter

Pluralibacter species are regularly isolated from clinical samples, cosmetics, environmental sources including water, and vegetables and cereals as well as pear trees suffering from brown leaf spot disease. Cells are Gram-negative, facultatively anae... Read More about Pluralibacter.

The development of small-scale, low-cost biofilm treatment systems for the control of pathogens in fresh water (2023)

Water that is contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms, can cause disease. Despite advances in the provision of safe drinking water, an estimated 580 million people lack consistent access to safe water whilst the consumption of biologically contam... Read More about The development of small-scale, low-cost biofilm treatment systems for the control of pathogens in fresh water.

The value of twinned pollinator-pollen metabarcoding: Bumblebee pollination service is weakly partitioned within a UK grassland community (2023)
Journal Article

Predicting ecological impact of declining bumblebee (Bombus) populations requires better understanding of interactions between pollinator partitioning of floral resources and plant partitioning of pollinator resources. Here, we combine Cytochrome Oxi... Read More about The value of twinned pollinator-pollen metabarcoding: Bumblebee pollination service is weakly partitioned within a UK grassland community.