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Outputs (77)

Preharvest application of hydrogen sulfide and nitric oxide improves floral traits and postharvest performance of cut gladiolus inflorescences (2023)
Journal Article

Gladiolus is a well-known bulbous plant producing impressive cut spikes. Hydrogen sulfide and nitric oxide are vital signaling molecules for the proper functioning of plant metabolism. Preharvest applications of these molecules to crops have gained a... Read More about Preharvest application of hydrogen sulfide and nitric oxide improves floral traits and postharvest performance of cut gladiolus inflorescences.

Science communication practices and trust in information sources amongst Nigerian scientists and journalists (2023)
Journal Article

Relatively few studies have explored the communication practices of researchers and journalists working in African contexts. We set out to explore the communication activities undertaken by Nigerian health researchers and journalists, their motivatio... Read More about Science communication practices and trust in information sources amongst Nigerian scientists and journalists.

Comparison of the effects of antibiotics and essential oils against Acinetobacter baumannii in planktonic and biofilm conditions (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: Acinetobacter baumannii is a common nosocomial pathogen causing pneumonia, bacteraemia, wound and urinary tract infections. Due to improper and frequent antibiotic use A. baumannii has become multi-drug resistant, the World Health Organi... Read More about Comparison of the effects of antibiotics and essential oils against Acinetobacter baumannii in planktonic and biofilm conditions.

Functionalised polymeric materials in the efficient synthesis of 2-substituted η3-butadienyl molybdenum complexes (2023)
Journal Article

Polystyrene resins functionalised with phosphonium chloride or bromide have been found to function as efficient catalysts in the synthesis of complexes of the type [MoCl(CO)2(h3-CH2C(COCl)C=CH2)L2], the rate of conversion being controlled by the stru... Read More about Functionalised polymeric materials in the efficient synthesis of 2-substituted η3-butadienyl molybdenum complexes.