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FLASH proton therapy (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Conference teaching session: The FLASH effect is a normal tissue sparing induced by ultra-high dose rate irradiation. This effect has the potential to create a step change in the therapeutic ratio, however the exact parameters which induce normal tis... Read More about FLASH proton therapy.

Cleaning the cellular factory: Deletion of McrA in Aspergillus oryzae NSAR1 and the generation of a novel kojic acid deficient strain for cleaner heterologous production of secondary metabolites (2021)
Journal Article

The use of filamentous fungi as cellular factories, where natural product pathways can be refactored and expressed in a host strain, continues to aid the field of natural product discovery. Much work has been done to develop host strains which are ge... Read More about Cleaning the cellular factory: Deletion of McrA in Aspergillus oryzae NSAR1 and the generation of a novel kojic acid deficient strain for cleaner heterologous production of secondary metabolites.