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Outputs (4)

Characterisation of the biosynthetic pathway to agnestins A and B reveals the reductive route to chrysophanol in fungi (2018)
Journal Article

Two new dihydroxy-xanthone metabolites, agnestins A and B, were isolated from Paecilomyces variotii along with a number of related benzophenones and xanthones including monodictyphenone. The structures were elucidated by NMR analyses and X-ray crysta... Read More about Characterisation of the biosynthetic pathway to agnestins A and B reveals the reductive route to chrysophanol in fungi.

Enhancement of red blood cell transfusion compatibility using CRISPR-mediated erythroblast gene editing (2018)
Journal Article

Regular blood transfusion is the cornerstone of care for patients with red blood cell (RBC) disorders such as thalassaemia or sickle-cell disease. With repeated transfusion, alloimmunisation often occurs due to incompatibility at the level of minor b... Read More about Enhancement of red blood cell transfusion compatibility using CRISPR-mediated erythroblast gene editing.