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Outputs (9)

The assessment of food safety culture: An investigation of current challenges, barriers and future opportunities within the food industry (2016)
Journal Article

Following the 2005 E. coli O157 outbreak in the UK and the recommendations in the subsequent Public Enquiry Report in 2009, the topic of food safety culture became more prominent. In 2012, the United Kingdom's Food Standards Agency (FSA) commissioned... Read More about The assessment of food safety culture: An investigation of current challenges, barriers and future opportunities within the food industry.

Functional redundancy between Apc and Apc2 regulates tissue homeostasis and prevents tumourigenesis in murine mammary epithelium (2016)
Journal Article

Aberrant Wnt signaling within breast cancer is associated with poor prognosis, but regulation of this pathway in breast tissue remains poorly understood and the consequences of immediate or long-term dysregulation remain elusive. The exact contributi... Read More about Functional redundancy between Apc and Apc2 regulates tissue homeostasis and prevents tumourigenesis in murine mammary epithelium.

A new junctional hierarchy (2016)
Journal Article

In this issue of Blood, Lu et al report on the generation and characterization of erythrocytes from a dematin knockout mouse and demonstrate the previously unrecognized centrality of this protein to the junctional protein complex-mediated maintenance... Read More about A new junctional hierarchy.

Anti-Inflammatory effect of Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom) aqueous extracts on Rattus norvegicus (albino rats) (2016)
Journal Article

Anti-inflammatory effect of Pleurotusostreatus (oyster mushroom) aqueous extract was studied. The extract was prepared using a novel design of relative moisture content to determine the dry weight of the extract. Thirty-five albino rats (grouped in... Read More about Anti-Inflammatory effect of Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom) aqueous extracts on Rattus norvegicus (albino rats).

Severe Ankyrin-R deficiency results in impaired surface retention and lysosomal degradation of RhAG in human erythroblasts (2016)
Journal Article

Ankyrin-R provides a key link between band 3 and the spectrin cytoskeleton that helps to maintain the highly specialized erythrocyte biconcave shape. Ankyrin deficiency results in fragile spherocytic erythrocytes with reduced band 3 and protein 4.2 e... Read More about Severe Ankyrin-R deficiency results in impaired surface retention and lysosomal degradation of RhAG in human erythroblasts.

Heterologous production of fungal maleidrides reveals the cryptic cyclization involved in their biosynthesis (2016)
Journal Article

Fungal maleidrides are an important family of bioactive secondary metabolites that consist of 7, 8, or 9-membered carbocycles with one or two fused maleic anhydride moieties. The biosynthesis of byssochlamic acid (a nonadride) and agnestadride A (a h... Read More about Heterologous production of fungal maleidrides reveals the cryptic cyclization involved in their biosynthesis.

‘When Food Kills’: A socio-technical systems analysis of the UK Pennington 1996 and 2005 E.coli O157 Outbreak reports (2016)
Journal Article

In 1996 and 2005, two of the largest E. coli O157 outbreaks occurred in the UK. Many people were infected after consuming meat resulting in a number of deaths. In the present study we applied a systems approach to both the outbreak reports to analyse... Read More about ‘When Food Kills’: A socio-technical systems analysis of the UK Pennington 1996 and 2005 E.coli O157 Outbreak reports.

Quantitative phospho-proteomics reveals the Plasmodium merozoite triggers pre-invasion host kinase modification of the red cell cytoskeleton (2016)
Journal Article

The invasive blood-stage malaria parasite-the merozoite-induces rapid morphological changes to the target erythrocyte during entry. However, evidence for active molecular changes in the host cell that accompany merozoite invasion is lacking. Here, we... Read More about Quantitative phospho-proteomics reveals the Plasmodium merozoite triggers pre-invasion host kinase modification of the red cell cytoskeleton.