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Outputs (2)

Generation of red blood cells from stem cells: Achievements, opportunities and perspectives for malaria research (2022)
Journal Article

Parasites of the genus Plasmodium that cause malaria survive within humans by invasion of, and proliferation within, the most abundant cell type in the body, the red blood cell. As obligate, intracellular parasites, interactions between parasite and... Read More about Generation of red blood cells from stem cells: Achievements, opportunities and perspectives for malaria research.

Missense mutations in PIEZO1, which encodes the Piezo1 mechanosensor protein, define Er red blood cell antigens (2022)
Journal Article

Despite the identification of the high-incidence red cell antigen Era nearly 40 years ago, the molecular background of this antigen, together with the other 2 members of the Er blood group collection, has yet to be elucidated. Whole exome and Sanger... Read More about Missense mutations in PIEZO1, which encodes the Piezo1 mechanosensor protein, define Er red blood cell antigens.