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Outputs (6)

Does it run in the family? - Improving radiological risk assessment in the coastal environment using taxonomic and phylogenetic perspectives in macroalgae species (2024)
Journal Article

Marine macroalgae are widely used indicator species for monitoring environmental radioactivity. Empirical studies have demonstrated a range in radionuclide transfer coefficients, or concentration ratios (CRs), between taxonomic groups, however the CR... Read More about Does it run in the family? - Improving radiological risk assessment in the coastal environment using taxonomic and phylogenetic perspectives in macroalgae species.

Energy harvesting from plants using hybrid microbial fuel cells; potential applications and future exploitation (2024)
Journal Article

Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) can be fuelled using biomass derived from dead plant material and can operate on plant produced chemicals such as sugars, carbohydrates, polysaccharides and cellulose, as well as being “fed” on a regular diet of primary bio... Read More about Energy harvesting from plants using hybrid microbial fuel cells; potential applications and future exploitation.

Enhancing radiological monitoring of 137Cs in coastal environments using taxonomic signals in brown seaweeds (2023)
Journal Article

With the rapidly expanding global nuclear industry, more efficient and direct radiological monitoring approaches are needed to ensure the associated environmental health impacts and risk remain fully assessed and undertaken as robustly as possible. C... Read More about Enhancing radiological monitoring of 137Cs in coastal environments using taxonomic signals in brown seaweeds.

Radioactivity in future phosphogypsum: New predictions based on estimates of ‘Peak P’ and rock phosphate resources (2022)
Journal Article

Global food supplies currently depend on producing inorganic P fertilisers from a finite reserve of rock phosphate (RP). P fertilisers are themselves significant pollutants but their production from RP also leaves a phosphogypsum (PG) by-product that... Read More about Radioactivity in future phosphogypsum: New predictions based on estimates of ‘Peak P’ and rock phosphate resources.

Developmental, morphological and physiological traits in plants exposed for five generations to chronic low-level ionising radiation (2020)
Journal Article

The effects of ionising radiation (IR) on plants are important for environmental protection but also in agriculture, horticulture, space science, and plant stress biology. Much current understanding of the effects of IR on plants derives from acute h... Read More about Developmental, morphological and physiological traits in plants exposed for five generations to chronic low-level ionising radiation.