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Outputs (293)

Investors' responses to macroeconomic news: The role of mandatory derivatives and hedging activities disclosure (2022)
Journal Article

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how changes in the firm's information disclosure practices impact the way investors process macroeconomic news. Specifically, the authors examine the role of derivative instruments and hedging acti... Read More about Investors' responses to macroeconomic news: The role of mandatory derivatives and hedging activities disclosure.

Cyclicality of capital adequacy ratios in heterogeneous environment: A nonlinear panel smooth transition regression explanation (2021)
Journal Article

Our study uses a new business cycle (BC) index and a nonlinear panel smooth transition regression model on quarterly data of 1538 bank holding companies of the United States to investigate response of capital adequacy ratios (CARs) to changes in econ... Read More about Cyclicality of capital adequacy ratios in heterogeneous environment: A nonlinear panel smooth transition regression explanation.

Seaweed blends as a valuable source of polyunsaturated and healthy fats for nutritional and food applications (2021)
Journal Article

Seaweeds are considered healthy and sustainable food. Although their consumption is modest in Western countries, the demand for seaweed in food markets is increasing in Europe. Each seaweed species has unique nutritional and functional features. The... Read More about Seaweed blends as a valuable source of polyunsaturated and healthy fats for nutritional and food applications.

Investors’ mood and herd investing: A quantile-on-quantile regression explanation from crypto market (2021)
Journal Article

This study uses daily data of 382 cryptocurrencies and a quantile-on-quantile regression (QQR) framework developed by Sim and Zhou (2015), to establish a link between herding behavior and investors’ mood and provide support for mood-as-information hy... Read More about Investors’ mood and herd investing: A quantile-on-quantile regression explanation from crypto market.

The roles of high-performance work system in establishing employees’ learning agility in response to pandemic-related organisational challenges (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The recent pandemic calls for large-scale organisational changes, in which managers and employees need to face, adapt and maintain high performance within such context. In the face of rapidly changing work arrangements in the last two years, employee... Read More about The roles of high-performance work system in establishing employees’ learning agility in response to pandemic-related organisational challenges.

Carbon neutrality target for leading exporting countries: On the role of economic complexity index and renewable energy electricity (2021)
Journal Article

In order to contribute to the existing limited energy-environment literature, the present study analyze the carbon neutrality targets of the 16 major exporting economies while considering the role of economic complexity and renewable energy electrici... Read More about Carbon neutrality target for leading exporting countries: On the role of economic complexity index and renewable energy electricity.