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Outputs (293)

On the economics of cross-border reparation payments: The case for a bank of international reparations (2024)
Journal Article

This essay considers the challenge of ensuring that international reparation payments are effective in benefiting the recipient countries of the reparations. In order to ensure that these financial flows provide long-term benefit to the recipient eco... Read More about On the economics of cross-border reparation payments: The case for a bank of international reparations.

Collective intelligence value in the culture context: New product development and user innovative behavior (2024)
Journal Article

This study aimed to investigate the impact of collective intelligence on new product development (NPD) and user inventive behavior in organizational settings. The Study decisions were made using the nomothetic approach, survey conducted among 60 prod... Read More about Collective intelligence value in the culture context: New product development and user innovative behavior.

Examining the feasibility of advanced practice radiation therapy roles within the Singaporean healthcare arena: A joint UK-Singapore study (2024)
Journal Article

Advanced clinical practice in UK healthcare has matured over recent years. The field now promotes multi-professional working and flexibility in patient care, which are significant factors of the modern healthcare workforce, due to the ongoing shortag... Read More about Examining the feasibility of advanced practice radiation therapy roles within the Singaporean healthcare arena: A joint UK-Singapore study.

The contribution of CSR activity to perceptions of a place brand - The case of Bristol (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Socio-economic cohesion might otherwise be described as the integration of ‘social and environmental topics’ into ‘business activities’, which Öberseder et al (2014) describe as corporatesocial responsibility (CSR). Previous studies have investigated... Read More about The contribution of CSR activity to perceptions of a place brand - The case of Bristol.