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Outputs (15)

Teacher-perpetrated sexual harassment and student performance: Roles of emotional exhaustion and neuroticism (2022)
Journal Article

Purpose: This study examines the effects of teacher-perpetrated sexual harassment on graduate students' academic and extracurricular performance using conservation of resources theory as a framework. Further, it looks into the moderating role of trai... Read More about Teacher-perpetrated sexual harassment and student performance: Roles of emotional exhaustion and neuroticism.

Psychological mechanisms linking sibling abuse and school delinquency: An experiential sampling study based on conservation of resources theory (2022)
Journal Article

Why does sibling abuse affect some adolescents more severely than others? When and how does its experience at home influence the psychosocial behavior of adolescents at school? Guided by the Conservation of Resources Theory (CoRT), the authors establ... Read More about Psychological mechanisms linking sibling abuse and school delinquency: An experiential sampling study based on conservation of resources theory.

How women’s transformational leadership induces employees’ innovative behaviour through trust and connectivity: A sequential mediation model (2021)
Journal Article

A number of women are leading a variety of organizations in Pakistan. The available research on the effectiveness of women’s leadership is not so clear, and there have been mixed findings across different contexts. The present research attempts to vi... Read More about How women’s transformational leadership induces employees’ innovative behaviour through trust and connectivity: A sequential mediation model.

Impact of team goal orientation and information exchange on creativity and innovation in advertising creative teams of Pakistan (2019)
Journal Article

The main objective of the study is to investigate the impact of team goal orientation and information exchange on creativity and innovation in advertising creative teams of Pakistan. The data is collected from 70 teams and 436 employees of the advert... Read More about Impact of team goal orientation and information exchange on creativity and innovation in advertising creative teams of Pakistan.