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Outputs (11)

Clinical and patient-reported outcomes in women offered oncoplastic breast conserving surgery as an alternative to mastectomy in the ANTHEM multicentre, prospective cohort study (2024)
Journal Article


Background: Oncoplastic breast conserving surgery (OPBCS) may be a better option than mastectomy, but high-quality comparative evidence is lacking. The ANTHEM study (ISRCTN18238549) aimed to explore clinical and patient-reported outcomes... Read More about Clinical and patient-reported outcomes in women offered oncoplastic breast conserving surgery as an alternative to mastectomy in the ANTHEM multicentre, prospective cohort study.

Evaluating the effectiveness and acceptability of two positive body image media micro-interventions among children aged 4–6 years old – a study protocol (2024)
Journal Article

Background: Children’s online media perpetuates appearance idealised images and can negatively impact the way children feel about their own and other people’s bodies (e.g., weight bias) at a young age. The development and evaluation of body image int... Read More about Evaluating the effectiveness and acceptability of two positive body image media micro-interventions among children aged 4–6 years old – a study protocol.

Understanding the emergency medical service response to patients who are at imminent risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (2024)
Journal Article

Study Aim: To understand the survival and emergency medical service call triage and response to patients who suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest after the emergency medical service call is connected.
Methods: A descriptive retrospective data a... Read More about Understanding the emergency medical service response to patients who are at imminent risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Does intermittent nutrition enterally normalise hormonal and metabolic responses to feeding in critically ill adults? A protocol for the dine-normal proof-of-concept randomised parallel group study (2024)
Journal Article

Over half of patients who spend >48 hours in the intensive care unit (ICU) are fed via a nasogastric (NG) tube. Current guidance recommends continuous delivery of feed throughout the day and night. Emerging evidence from healthy human s... Read More about Does intermittent nutrition enterally normalise hormonal and metabolic responses to feeding in critically ill adults? A protocol for the dine-normal proof-of-concept randomised parallel group study.

The lycra arm sleeve for treatment of glenohumeral subluxation in people with sub-acute stroke: A randomised controlled (RC) feasibility study (2024)
Journal Article

Background: A Lycra arm sleeve has the potential to reduce glenohumeral subluxation (GHS) in people with stroke (PwS). Aims were 1) to provide feasibility data to inform a future fully powered randomised controlled trial 2) to understand whether pati... Read More about The lycra arm sleeve for treatment of glenohumeral subluxation in people with sub-acute stroke: A randomised controlled (RC) feasibility study.

Cross-condition risk and protective factors for psychosocial distress in parents and carers of children and young people with appearance-affecting conditions and injuries (2024)
Journal Article

Alongside typical parenting challenges, initial condition-specific research suggests that parents of children with different visible differences may experience similar psychosocial difficulties. Despite this, large-scale cross-condition research to i... Read More about Cross-condition risk and protective factors for psychosocial distress in parents and carers of children and young people with appearance-affecting conditions and injuries.

Understanding women’s decision making for and against oncoplastic breast conserving surgery as an alternative to mastectomy in early breast cancer: UK ANTHEM qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article


Background: Oncoplastic breast conserving surgery (OPBCS) may allow women with early breast cancer to avoid mastectomy, but many women choose more extensive surgery even when breast conserving options are offered. Reasons for this are un... Read More about Understanding women’s decision making for and against oncoplastic breast conserving surgery as an alternative to mastectomy in early breast cancer: UK ANTHEM qualitative study.

Assessing appearance, speech, and hearing (dis)satisfaction in individuals with cleft lip and/or palate: A contribution to general population norms (2024)
Journal Article

Background: Individuals with cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P) may grow up with a visible facial difference, alongside speech and/or hearing challenges. Self-perceptions are stronger predictors of psychosocial adjustment than objective assessments, high... Read More about Assessing appearance, speech, and hearing (dis)satisfaction in individuals with cleft lip and/or palate: A contribution to general population norms.