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Retrofit in Greater Manchester and Cardiff: Governing to transform or to ungovern?

De Laurentis, Carla; Hodson, Mike; Marvin, Simon; Thompson, Matt


Carla De Laurentis

Mike Hodson

Simon Marvin

Matt Thompson


This chapter focuses the manner in which changing UK policies and priorities touch down and are reconstituted in two UK city-regions: Greater Manchester and Cardiff city-region and it is structured as follows. First, it briefly considers how national priorities and pressures for retrofitting the built environment are framed within the UK government context. Second, it identifies the key drivers and pressures for city regional retrofit responses. Third, it provides an overview of the city-regional retrofit responses in the two case study city regions: Greater Manchester and Cardiff/South East Wales. This focus on which social interests are constructing city-regional retrofit responses, how these are framed and in whose interests and for what purpose they are constituted. Fourth it then compares the styles of retrofit responses emerging in the two case study contexts. The case studies show different governance contexts, different social interests are at play in revealing different framings of the retrofit agenda that move away from the predominant economic framing.

Publication Date Dec 15, 2015
Deposit Date Aug 25, 2022
Publisher Routledge
Pages 18
Book Title Retrofitting Cities: Priorities, Governance and Experimentation
Chapter Number 3
Keywords Greater Manchester, Cardiff, Retrofit responses, governance contexts, social interests
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