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Sonic Youth

Buchheim, Yvonne


Yvonne Buchheim


Sonic Youth featured art work by Johanna Billing, David Blandy, Yvonne Buchheim, Iain Forsyth & Jane Pollard, William Hunt, Ben Kinsley and Kate Murphy.

The exhibition curated by Mary Cremin presented works by seven international video artists whose work offers an extensive and in-depth exploration of the various possibilities of the crossover between popular culture and video art. The pieces navigate a variety of sources including the history of film, iconography and a wide range of references to popular culture. The works play with global codes and canonized images that are integral to the collective memory. Documentary itemization, self-questioning and cultural sampling are videographic practices which the artists use to react to the construction of the everyday. An interest and participation in popular culture especially music represents an important component of their oeuvre.
The exhibition was reviewed by art critic Karlijn de Jonghin in Circa 125 art magazine, Dublin, Ireland (15-08-2008).

Sonic Youth toured to the Amelie A. Wallace Gallery, New York, USA in November 2008.

Exhibition Performance Type Exhibition
Conference Name Sonic Youth
Start Date Jun 27, 2008
End Date Jul 26, 2008
Publication Date Jun 1, 2008
Keywords video art, popular culture, song, amateur singing, collective memory, musical portrait, performance, music, contemporary art
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