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An Evaluation of Current Services Available for People Diagnosed with Head and Neck Cancer in the UK (2009-2010)

Jeffreys, M.; Hughes, C.; Ness, A.; Persson, M.; Thomas, S.; Hughes, Cathy; Ness, Andy; Persson, Martin; Homer, J.; Jeffrey, M; Bradley, P.; Nutting, C.; Thomas, Sandy; Waylen, A.; Leary, S.


M. Jeffreys

C. Hughes

A. Ness

M. Persson

S. Thomas

Cathy Hughes

Andy Ness

Martin Persson

J. Homer

M Jeffrey

C. Nutting

Sandy Thomas

A. Waylen

S. Leary


Aims: To evaluate current care and service provision for people with head and neck cancer in the UK. Materials and Methods: Self-report questionnaires for cancer networks, clinical leads of oncology units and leads for multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) were designed. These questionnaires were based on a previous survey. Questionnaires were sent out between 2009 and 2010. Results: Questionnaires were received from all networks (n = 37), most oncology units (48 of 53) and most MDTs (51 of 63). Care for people with head and neck cancer is increasingly being provided by a centralised MDT. The membership of these teams varies; facilities available for team meetings are fit for purpose in most cases. MDTs are meeting frequently (weekly meetings in 96%) and discussing on average 18 cases at each meeting (95% confidence interval 15-21 cases). Most oncologists have access to all common anti-cancer drugs and most have access to all forms of radiotherapy. Intensity-modulated radiotherapy is not yet available in some oncology units (28%). A small number of units have only one oncologist (13%). Despite audit and research being part of the rationale for MDT working, regular discussion of morbidity and mortality is unusual (40%) and use of a database to record decisions is not universal. Only seven centres record decisions into the Data for Head and Neck Oncology database. Reported recruitment to studies is generally low (

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Dec 1, 2012
Journal Clinical Oncology
Print ISSN 0936-6555
Electronic ISSN 1433-2981
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 24
Issue 10
Pages 187-192
Keywords head and neck cancer, multidisciplinary teams
Public URL
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