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Collaborative European neurotrauma effectiveness research in traumatic brain injury (CENTER-TBI): A prospective longitudinal observational study

Steyerberg, Ewout W.; Citerio, Giuseppe; Lecky, Fiona; Manley, Geoffrey T.; Hill, Sean; Legrand, Valerie; Sorgner, Annina; Koskinen, Lars Owe; Kondziella, Daniel; Kolibay, Felix; Kolias, Angelos G.; Ketharanathan, Naomi; Katila, Ari; Kasprian, Gregor; Kalovits, Ferenc; Kalala, Jean Pierre; Jones, Kelly M.; Jiang, Ji Yao; Bovend'Eerdt, Thamar J.H.; Janssens, Koen; Ill?, Robert; Hutchinson, Peter J.; Hunfeld, Maaike; Holling, Markus; Hoefer, Stefan; Helseth, Eirik; Helbok, Raimund; Hartings, Jed A.; Haitsma, Ian; Hadzic, Ermin; Hallaert, Giorgio; Haagsma, Juanita A.; Gruen, Russel; Grigore, Zapulih; Gon?orov?, Veronika; Godbolt, Alison; Ghuysen, Alexandre; Gao, Guoyi; Galanaud, Damien; Gagliardo, Pablo; Gadda, Davide; Frantz?n, Janek; Furmanov, Alex; Frisvold, Shirin Kordasti; Florian, Stefan; Forsyth, Faye; Fossi, Francesca; Feigin, Valery L.; Feremans, Len; Fabricius, Martin; Esser, Patrick; Ercole, Ari; Eapen, George; Dreier, Jens P.; Dizdarevic, Kemal; Dippel, Diederik W.J.; Depreite...

Collaborative European neurotrauma effectiveness research in traumatic brain injury (CENTER-TBI): A prospective longitudinal observational study Thumbnail


Ewout W. Steyerberg

Giuseppe Citerio

Fiona Lecky

Geoffrey T. Manley

Sean Hill

Valerie Legrand

Annina Sorgner

Lars Owe Koskinen

Daniel Kondziella

Felix Kolibay

Angelos G. Kolias

Naomi Ketharanathan

Ari Katila

Gregor Kasprian

Ferenc Kalovits

Jean Pierre Kalala

Kelly M. Jones

Ji Yao Jiang

Thamar J.H. Bovend'Eerdt

Koen Janssens

Robert Ill�

Peter J. Hutchinson

Maaike Hunfeld

Markus Holling

Stefan Hoefer

Eirik Helseth

Raimund Helbok

Jed A. Hartings

Ian Haitsma

Ermin Hadzic

Giorgio Hallaert

Juanita A. Haagsma

Russel Gruen

Zapulih Grigore

Veronika Gon�orov�

Alison Godbolt

Alexandre Ghuysen

Guoyi Gao

Damien Galanaud

Pablo Gagliardo

Davide Gadda

Janek Frantz�n

Alex Furmanov

Shirin Kordasti Frisvold

Stefan Florian

Faye Forsyth

Francesca Fossi

Valery L. Feigin

Len Feremans

Martin Fabricius

Patrick Esser

Ari Ercole

George Eapen

Jens P. Dreier

Kemal Dizdarevic

Diederik W.J. Dippel

Bart Depreitere

B�la Demeter

Francesco Della Corte

Olivier De Witte

Godard C.W. De Ruiter

Alessandra De Luca

V�ronique De Keyser

Helen Dawes

Fran�ois Damas

Claire Dahyot-Fitzelier

Marek Czosnyka

Endre Czeiter

Nicola Curry

Maryse Cnossen

Jamie Cooper

Jonathan P. Coles

Mark Coburn

Arturo Chieregato

Keri L.H. Carpenter

Guillermo Carbayo Lozano

Peter Cameron

Ina Callebaut

Ela Cakmak

Monika Bullinger

Andras Buki

Felix Brehar

Harald Binder

Alexandra Bra�inov�

Luigi Beretta

Maurizio Berardino

Habib Benali

Antonio Belli

Bo Michael Bellander

Caterina Frosini

Ronny Beer

P�l Barz�

Philippe Azouv

Anke Audny

G�rard Audibert

Peter Andrews

Lasse Andreassen

Nada Andelic

Andrew I.R. Maas

Andrew I. R. Maas

David K. Menon

Ewout W. Steyerberg

Giuseppe Citerio

Fiona Lecky

Geoffrey T. Manley

Sean Hill

Valerie Legrand

Annina Sorgner


Copyright © 2014 by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons. BACKGROUND: Current classification of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is suboptimal, and management is based on weak evidence, with little attempt to personalize treatment. A need exists for new precision medicine and stratified management approaches that incorporate emerging technologies. OBJECTIVE: To improve characterization and classification of TBI and to identify best clinical care, using comparative effectiveness research approaches. METHODS: This multicenter, longitudinal, prospective, observational study in 22 countries across Europe and Israel will collect detailed data from 5400 consenting patients, presenting within 24 hours of injury, with a clinical diagnosis of TBI and an indication for computed tomography. Broader registry-level data collection in approximately 20 000 patients will assess generalizability. Cross sectional comprehensive outcome assessments, including quality of life and neuropsychological testing, will be performed at 6 months. Longitudinal assessments will continue up to 24 months post TBI in patient subsets. Advanced neuroimaging and genomic and biomarker data will be used to improve characterization, and analyses will include neuroinformatics approaches to address variations in process and clinical care. Results will be integrated with living systematic reviews in a process of knowledge transfer. The study initiation was from October to December 2014, and the recruitment period was for 18 to 24 months. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in TBI should provide novel multidimensional approaches to TBI characterization and classification, evidence to support treatment recommendations, and benchmarks for quality of care. Data and sample repositories will ensure opportunities for legacy research. DISCUSSION: Comparative effectiveness research provides an alternative to reductionistic clinical trials in restricted patient populations by exploiting differences in biology, care, and outcome to support optimal personalized patient management.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 2015
Publicly Available Date Jun 6, 2019
Journal Neurosurgery
Print ISSN 0148-396X
Electronic ISSN 1524-4040
Publisher Oxford University Press (OUP)
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Volume 76
Issue 1
Pages 67-80
Keywords clinical study, comparative effectiveness research, protocol, traumatic brain injury
Public URL
Publisher URL


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