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A novel curved gaussian mixture model and its application in motion skill encoding

Chen, Disi; Li, Gongfa; Zhou, Dalin; Ju, Zhaojie

A novel curved gaussian mixture model and its application in motion skill encoding Thumbnail


Disi Chen

Gongfa Li

Dalin Zhou

Zhaojie Ju


The purpose of this paper is to present a novel curved Gaussian Mixture Model (CGMM) and to study the application of it in motion skill encoding. Primarily, Gaussian mixture model (GMM) has been widely applied on many occasions when a probability density function is needed to approximate a complex probability distribution. However, GMM cannot efficiently approach highly non-linear distributions. Thus, the proposed novel CGMM, as a weighted mixture of curved Gaussian models (CGM), is structured with non-linear transfers, which reshapes the flat GMM into a geo-metrically curved one. As a consequence, CGMM has more freedoms and flexibilities than the flat GMM so a CGMM requires fewer number of components in fitting highly non-linear motion trajectories. Moreover, we derive a dedicated iterative parameter estimation algorithm for the CGMM based on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) theory. To evaluate the performance of the CGMM and its parameter estimation algorithm, a series of quantitative experiments are carried out. We first test the model performance in the data fitting task with the generated synthetic data. Then a motion skill encoding test is carried out on a human motion trajectory dataset built by a Virtual Reality (VR) based motion tracking system. The empirical results support that CGMM outperforms state-of-the-arts in the model performance test. Meanwhile, CGMM has a significant improvement in encoding high dimensional non-linear trajectory data compared to the GMM in motion skill encoding test with its dedicated parameter estimation algorithm.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (Published)
Conference Name 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Start Date Sep 27, 2021
End Date Oct 1, 2021
Acceptance Date Jun 30, 2021
Publication Date Dec 16, 2021
Deposit Date Nov 4, 2022
Publicly Available Date Dec 17, 2023
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Pages 7813-7818
Series Title 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Series ISSN 2153-0866
Book Title 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
ISBN 9781665417143
Keywords Non-linear Transfer, Curved Gaussian Mix-ture Model, Expectation-Maximization Algorithm, Motion Skill Encoding, Solid modeling, Maximum likelihood estimation, Parameter estimation, Tracking, Fitting, Virtual reality, Encoding
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A novel curved gaussian mixture model and its application in motion skill encoding (4.4 Mb)


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Copyright Statement
This is the author’s accepted manuscript of their article 'Chen, D., Li, G., Zhou, D., & Ju, Z. (2021). A novel curved gaussian mixture model and its application in motion skill encoding. In 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).'

The final published version is available here:

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