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Culture-based development in the USA: culture as a factor for economic welfare and social well-being at a county level (2014)
Journal Article

© 2014, Springer Science+Business Media New York. This paper explores the link between culture and regional development in USA counties by explicitly including an arts variable in an attitudes-driven culture-based development (CBD) production functio... Read More about Culture-based development in the USA: culture as a factor for economic welfare and social well-being at a county level.

'We have neither money nor time to have breakfast': Reflections on food vulnerability in northern Mozambique (in Italian) (2014)
Journal Article

The article discusses measurements of food security based on the assumption that lack of access to monetary resources is the key determinant of food insecurity. It shows that in the North of Mozambique poor households are faced with both lack of mone... Read More about 'We have neither money nor time to have breakfast': Reflections on food vulnerability in northern Mozambique (in Italian).

Was Weber right? The cultural capital root of socio-economic growth examined in five European countries (2014)
Journal Article

Purpose: The existing theoretical and empirical research on cultural impact is rather inconsistent. The purpose of this paper is to deal with the reasons for this inconsistency by debating the adequate inclusion of the cultural factor in the growth m... Read More about Was Weber right? The cultural capital root of socio-economic growth examined in five European countries.

Altruism to strangers for our own sake: Domestic effects from immigration: A comparative analysis for EU15 (2014)
Journal Article

Purpose: Theoretical and empirical research on the impact of immigrants for local development is rather inconclusive regarding the direction of said impact. The purpose of this paper is to identify relationships between human capital and cultural cap... Read More about Altruism to strangers for our own sake: Domestic effects from immigration: A comparative analysis for EU15.

The German miracle or the miracle of the cultural attitude Inequality and convergence as products of culture in Germany (2014)
Journal Article

© Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Purpose : The purpose of this paper is to explore the link between redistribution, convergence and local cultural capital (as defined by culture-based development concept).Design/methodology/approach : The paper in... Read More about The German miracle or the miracle of the cultural attitude Inequality and convergence as products of culture in Germany.

What drives inequality and poverty in the EU? Exploring the impact of macroeconomic and institutional factors (2013)
Journal Article

Employing panel data techniques, we investigate the macroeconomic and institutional determinants of inequality and poverty in the EU over the period 1994-2008. We pay particular attention to the effects of macroeconomic environment, social protection... Read More about What drives inequality and poverty in the EU? Exploring the impact of macroeconomic and institutional factors.