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Outputs (6)

Patient experiences of brachytherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer: Hearing the patient voice through qualitative interviews (2023)
Journal Article

Purpose: Brachytherapy for gynecological cancer is reported to cause pain, anxiety, and distress with no clear guidance for optimizing patient experiences. The aim of this study was to explore patient experiences of brachytherapy and views on improve... Read More about Patient experiences of brachytherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer: Hearing the patient voice through qualitative interviews.

E038 A common measure of the impact of glucocorticoids in patients with inflammatory and autoimmune conditions - The Steroid PRO: A cross-cultural validation study with Rasch models (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background/Aims Systemic glucocorticoids are key in the management of life- and organ-threatening rheumatic diseases, but have wide-ranging adverse effects of concern to patients and clinicians. We aimed to validate a Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) m... Read More about E038 A common measure of the impact of glucocorticoids in patients with inflammatory and autoimmune conditions - The Steroid PRO: A cross-cultural validation study with Rasch models.

POS0003 Development and validation of a disease specific patient reported outcome for giant cell arteritis (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is caused by inflammation of the blood vessels of the head and neck; patients can present with cranial, ocular or large vessel vasculitis involvement. Treatment is with glucocorticoids, steroid sparing agents a... Read More about POS0003 Development and validation of a disease specific patient reported outcome for giant cell arteritis.