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All Outputs (2)

Bristol and Bath by Design; To understand the economic and cultural value of design in the Bristol and Bath region (2016)

The aim of the project was to collect data on design
companies in the Bristol and Bath region, and to gain a
better understanding of the economic and cultural value
of the design-led sector. To do this, our primary research
was to develop a range... Read More about Bristol and Bath by Design; To understand the economic and cultural value of design in the Bristol and Bath region.

Development of a conservation and restoration plan and records management system for the Lands and Survey Division, 2007-2008

Consultancy Field Visit and Report of Recommendations. Developing a conservation and documentation plan for the extensive records held within Lands and Survey Division of the Trinidad and Tobago Govt. and which are currently at risk of damage due to... Read More about Development of a conservation and restoration plan and records management system for the Lands and Survey Division, 2007-2008.