Crime's global reach
Book Chapter
All Outputs (6)
Fitness and the Fin de Siècle (1992)
Book Chapter
In 1901, William Morris’s biographer J. W. Mackail gave a lecture on Morris to the I.L.P. Mackail infused the occasion with a pronounced sense of an ending. There was a feeling abroad, he said, that the nineteenth century had been a failure. Ideals h... Read More about Fitness and the Fin de Siècle.
Target organ sensitivity might be responsible for severe cyclical mastalgia (1992)
Book Chapter
Construction worker productivity: Lessons for the ASEAN countries (1992)
Book Chapter
A preliminary analysis of interactions between smoking and infant feeding (1992)
Book Chapter
Cleveland in history: the abused child and child protection, 1880 - 1914 (1992)
Book Chapter