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All Outputs (21)

Interprofessional perspectives of mental health crisis: For nursing, health, and the helping professions (2022)
Book Chapter

The chapter consists of the role of Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Teams (CRHTTs), seen sometimes as the last bastion of crisis management before psychiatric hospital admission. When warranted, an important caveat, in that exploration will touc... Read More about Interprofessional perspectives of mental health crisis: For nursing, health, and the helping professions.

Working psychoanalytically with clients with learning disability: The real giants we face: A long-term music therapy with an adopted girl with significant multiple disabilities (2021)
Book Chapter

A chapter describing a case of long term music therapy with a female child with significant disability who was adopted. the author argues for long term therapy with such children who have a complex interface of difficulties due to the intrinsically c... Read More about Working psychoanalytically with clients with learning disability: The real giants we face: A long-term music therapy with an adopted girl with significant multiple disabilities.

Rheumatic Conditions (2021)
Book Chapter

Rheumatic conditions are a range of long-term, physical health conditions that affect the joints, bones, and connective tissues. These conditions can have substantial psychological impact and wide-reaching effects on patients' lives. These conditions... Read More about Rheumatic Conditions.

Ambulatory Urodynamics (2021)
Book Chapter

Ambulatory urodynamics (AUDS) is a useful tool in the armamentarium of the urodynamicist, primarily in the investigation of those patients where conventional urodynamic tests have failed to provide an explanation for their symptoms, yet a definite di... Read More about Ambulatory Urodynamics.

Introduction to Sociology (2015)
Book Chapter

Introducing the Social Sciences for Midwifery Practice makes clear the links between social, anthropological and psychological concepts, midwifery practice and women’s experience of birth. Demonstrating how empathising with women and understanding th... Read More about Introduction to Sociology.

Illness management training: Transforming relapse and instilling prosperity (TRIP) in an acute psychiatric ward: A user’s perspective (2015)
Book Chapter

Participation in transforming relapse and instilling prosperity (TRIP), using the strategies learned from illness management including knowledge enhancement, behavioral tailoring, relapse prevention development, cognitive behavioral technique, and re... Read More about Illness management training: Transforming relapse and instilling prosperity (TRIP) in an acute psychiatric ward: A user’s perspective.

Caring in court (2014)
Book Chapter

At some point in their careers, most nurses encounter patients who are directly or indirectly involved with the criminal justice system whether on hospital wards where prisoners are receiving treatment whilst guarded by prison officers, in schools wh... Read More about Caring in court.

Illness management training: Transforming relapse and instilling prosperity in an acute psychiatric ward (2009)
Book Chapter

Transforming relapse and instilling prosperity (TRIP) is a ward-based intervention program that aims to decrease treatment noncompliance and relapse rate by improving insight and health during the visits to the acute psychiatric care of clients with... Read More about Illness management training: Transforming relapse and instilling prosperity in an acute psychiatric ward.