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All Outputs (46)

Teaching open and reproducible scholarship: A critical review of the evidence base for current pedagogical methods and their outcomes (2023)
Journal Article

In recent years, the scientific community has called for improvements in the credibility, robustness and reproducibility of research, characterized by increased interest and promotion of open and transparent research practices. While progress has bee... Read More about Teaching open and reproducible scholarship: A critical review of the evidence base for current pedagogical methods and their outcomes.

Neural mechanisms underlying enhanced visual search performance in action video game players (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Individuals who play action video games have demonstrated faster response times on a range of cognitive tasks, but various changes across the chain of processing could contribute to the ultimate quickening in response. Some research has begun to iden... Read More about Neural mechanisms underlying enhanced visual search performance in action video game players.

The predictability of a target’s motion influences gaze, head, and hand movements when trying to intercept it (2019)
Journal Article

Does the predictability of a target’s movement and of the interception location influence how the target is intercepted? In a first experiment, we manipulated the predictability of the interception location. A target moved along a haphazardly curved... Read More about The predictability of a target’s motion influences gaze, head, and hand movements when trying to intercept it.

Improvement in visual search with practice: Mapping learning-related changes in neurocognitive stages of processing (2015)
Journal Article

© 2015 the authors. Practice can improve performance on visual search tasks; the neural mechanisms underlying such improvements, however, are not clear. Response time typically shortens with practice, but which components of the stimulus–response pro... Read More about Improvement in visual search with practice: Mapping learning-related changes in neurocognitive stages of processing.

I knew you were going to miss that: Predicting future visual search performance from initial search abilities (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

A unique data source—hundreds of thousands of individuals who voluntarily played a smartphone game (Airport Scanner; Kedlin Company)—was used to assess predictors of visual search accuracy. Baseline performance was assessed on easy levels at the star... Read More about I knew you were going to miss that: Predicting future visual search performance from initial search abilities.