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All Outputs (34)

Through the Wardrobe: Exploring the potential of headset augmented reality to provide a Thirdspace immersive media experience (2022)

This research investigates the potential in employing headset augmented reality (AR) for interactive documentary when the contributors are collaboratively involved in the production process. This research has grown out of the intersection of interact... Read More about Through the Wardrobe: Exploring the potential of headset augmented reality to provide a Thirdspace immersive media experience.

Developing Somali heritage language through extracurricular activities: A case study exploring perceptions of Somali origin primary pupils and their parents (2020)

Pupils learning a second language, while maintaining their home language (heritage language) for academic purposes, often experience an advantage in classrooms. However, in England, generally, there is a lack of any policies that aim to develop herit... Read More about Developing Somali heritage language through extracurricular activities: A case study exploring perceptions of Somali origin primary pupils and their parents.

Drawing and etching place: What are the experiential and material characteristics of British contemporary practice and how do they evidence reciprocity between drawing and etching? (2018)

The thesis is framed through an interpretation of creativity realised through the fine art practices of drawing and etching. The research was initiated on the unexamined presupposition that drawing is a natural starting point for the medium of etchin... Read More about Drawing and etching place: What are the experiential and material characteristics of British contemporary practice and how do they evidence reciprocity between drawing and etching?.

An epistolic contextualisation of an art practice that engages with temporality, memory and narrative in relation to a use of contemporary visual technologies (2016)

In this submission I intend to draw together the common threads of a use of narrative and of investigations using technologies, which underpinned a significant proportion of my professional artistic production. This is a selective and focused submiss... Read More about An epistolic contextualisation of an art practice that engages with temporality, memory and narrative in relation to a use of contemporary visual technologies.

‘Words are bandied about but what do they mean?’: An exploration of the meaning of the pedagogical term “project” in historical and contemporary contexts (2014)

This thesis explores the pedagogical practices signified by the pedagogical term ‘project;’ which have traditionally been associated with enquiry based progressive ways of working with young children aimed at facilitating levels of both child and te... Read More about ‘Words are bandied about but what do they mean?’: An exploration of the meaning of the pedagogical term “project” in historical and contemporary contexts.