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Factive and counterfactive interpretation of embedded clauses in aphasia and its relationship with lexical, syntactic and general cognitive capacities (2018)
Journal Article

In factive clausal embedding ([He knows [that it is warm outside]]), the embedded clause is presupposed to be true. In non-factive embedding ([He thinks [that it is warm outside]]) there is no presupposition, and in counterfactive embedding ([It only... Read More about Factive and counterfactive interpretation of embedded clauses in aphasia and its relationship with lexical, syntactic and general cognitive capacities.

Drawing and etching place: What are the experiential and material characteristics of British contemporary practice and how do they evidence reciprocity between drawing and etching? (2018)

The thesis is framed through an interpretation of creativity realised through the fine art practices of drawing and etching. The research was initiated on the unexamined presupposition that drawing is a natural starting point for the medium of etchin... Read More about Drawing and etching place: What are the experiential and material characteristics of British contemporary practice and how do they evidence reciprocity between drawing and etching?.

Introduction (2018)
Book Chapter

This volume brings together contributions inspired by discussions that took place during the Panel “Positioning the self and others: Linguistic traces” which was held at the 14th IPrA Conference in Antwerp, 26–31 July 2015. Though much work has been... Read More about Introduction.

Civic Labs for urban change Layers of planning, between civil society, politics and the economy (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Fundamental questions of future urban development can only be addressed when municipal administrations work alongside civic society. Civic and production labs – along with think tanks – increasingly come into play, shaping new forms and approaches to... Read More about Civic Labs for urban change Layers of planning, between civil society, politics and the economy.

Underworld as servant and smokescreen: Crimes of the Powerful and the evolution of organized crime control (2018)
Book Chapter

Crimes of the Powerful (CotP), published in 1976, was the first book to make the case in any depth that the phenomena known as “corporate crime” and “organized crime” were not mutually exclusive. Frank Pearce argued that gangsters, far from being dic... Read More about Underworld as servant and smokescreen: Crimes of the Powerful and the evolution of organized crime control.

I'm sorry you are such an arsehole: (non-)canonical apologies and their implications for (im)politeness (2018)
Journal Article

© 2018 Elsevier B.V. I report on a study into how native British English speakers (N = 78) respond to various instances of I'm sorry played to them in an experimental setting. The test items vary in terms of what the speaker is ‘sorry’ for, but are c... Read More about I'm sorry you are such an arsehole: (non-)canonical apologies and their implications for (im)politeness.

'Horrid rebellion' and 'holie cheate': Royalist gentry responses to interregnum government in North-East Wales, 1646-1660 (2018)
Journal Article

This article significantly adds to works on Interregnum religion and government by considering the response to that period of a conservative, rather than a radical, region and social group. It examines the reaction of the royalist, religiously conser... Read More about 'Horrid rebellion' and 'holie cheate': Royalist gentry responses to interregnum government in North-East Wales, 1646-1660.