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All Outputs (4)

Determinants of physical activity among adults and older adults from the Somali Community in Bristol, UK (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Backgrounds: Adults and older-adults from BME communities in the UK are less likely than their non-BME counterparts to meet the physical-activity recommendations

Purpose: To investigate the factors associated with physical-activity among adults an... Read More about Determinants of physical activity among adults and older adults from the Somali Community in Bristol, UK.

The application of ‘elite interviewing’ methodology in transdisciplinary research: A record of process and lessons learned during a 3-year pilot in urban planetary health research (2021)
Journal Article

This paper sets out the rationale and process for the interviewing methodology utilized during a 3-year research pilot, ‘Moving Health Upstream in Urban Development’ (UPSTREAM). The project had two primary aims: firstly, to attempt to value economica... Read More about The application of ‘elite interviewing’ methodology in transdisciplinary research: A record of process and lessons learned during a 3-year pilot in urban planetary health research.

Overcoming systemic barriers preventing healthy urban development in the UK: Main findings from interviewing senior decision-makers during a 3-year planetary health pilot (2021)
Journal Article

This paper sets out the main findings from two rounds of interviews with senior representatives from the UK’s urban development industry: the third and final phase of a 3-year pilot, Moving Health Upstream in Urban Development’ (UPSTREAM). The projec... Read More about Overcoming systemic barriers preventing healthy urban development in the UK: Main findings from interviewing senior decision-makers during a 3-year planetary health pilot.