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Case commentary - fishing quota: A very large squatting claim?

Appleby, Thomas; Pieraccini, Margherita

Case commentary - fishing quota: A very large squatting claim? Thumbnail


Margherita Pieraccini


United Kingdom Association of Fish Producer Organisations v
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
[2013] This case was a judicial review over the reallocation of unused fishing quota from the from the larger to smaller scale operators. The larger operators sought to quash the decision on the grounds of legitimate expectation, interference with a possession under human rights law and discrimination. The claim was dismissed on all three grounds but the reasoning for the dismissal of the human rights claim potentially established fishing quota as a possession, before finding no interference as unused quota had no value. Since most quota in the UK is used this could require compensation to fishers if there are further adjustments.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 2013
Publicly Available Date Jun 7, 2019
Journal Environmental Law and Management
Print ISSN 1067-6058
Publisher Lawtext Publishing
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 25
Issue 4
Pages 140-141
Keywords fish conservation, quota property, human rights, judicial review possession
Public URL
Publisher URL


Appleby and Pieraccini Case Commentary Fishing quota a very large squatting claim.pdf (45 Kb)

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