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The uk public sector modernization agenda reconciliation and renewal?

Ahmad, Yusuf; Broussine, Michael


Yusuf Ahmad

Michael Broussine


The New Labour government came into power in May 1997 with an agenda to reform public services. The key strategy to achieve reform was the concept of modernization. Central to this is the rhetoric of renewal through collaboration, partnership and inclusion. Based upon the authors' research and consultancy activities, this article will explore the emergent modernization programme in policy terms, and also in terms of the organizational consequences for health, welfare and other public agencies.Our argument is that though it was brought in as an antidote to the ‘excesses’ of Thatcherism, the momentum of modernization is being maintained by recourse to centralist and managerialist strategies and prescriptions. We recognize that New Labour's approach is paradoxical because modernization at its heart espouses the principles of fairness, effectiveness and decentralization; yet it seeks to deliver these in ways which are sometimes experienced by public sector workers and users as disempowering and controlling. © 2003 Taylor & Francis.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Mar 1, 2003
Journal Public Management Review
Print ISSN 1471-9037
Electronic ISSN 1471-9045
Publisher Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 5
Issue 1
Pages 45-62
Keywords managerialism, modernization, New Labour, public services management, reform, welfare
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