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A transcriptomics resource for wheat functional genomics

Barker, Gary L.A.; Wilson, Ian D.; Beswick, Richard W.; Shepherd, Sophie K.; Lu, Chungui; Coghill, Jane A.; Edwards, David; Owen, Philippa; Lyons, Rebecca; Parker, Jill S.; Lenton, John R.; Holdsworth, Michael J.; Shewry, Peter R.; Edwards, Keith J.


Gary L.A. Barker

Ian D. Wilson

Richard W. Beswick

Sophie K. Shepherd

Chungui Lu

Jane A. Coghill

David Edwards

Philippa Owen

Rebecca Lyons

Jill S. Parker

John R. Lenton

Michael J. Holdsworth

Peter R. Shewry

Keith J. Edwards


Grain development, germination and plant development under abiotic stresses are areas of biology that are of considerable interest to the cereal community. Within the Investigating Gene Function programme we have produced the resources required to investigate alterations in the transcriptome of hexaploid wheat during these developmental processes. We have single pass sequenced the cDNAs of between 700 and 1300 randomly picked clones from each of 35 cDNA libraries representing highly specific stages of grain and plant development. Annotated sequencing results have been stored in a publicly accessible, online database at Each of the tissue stages used has also been photographed in detail, resulting in a collection of high-quality micrograph images detailing wheat grain development. These images have been collated and annotated in order to produce a web site focused on wheat development ( We have also produced high-density microarrays of a publicly available wheat unigene set based on the 35 cDNA libraries and have completed a number of microarray experiments which validate their quality.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Nov 1, 2004
Journal Plant Biotechnology Journal
Print ISSN 1467-7644
Publisher Wiley Open Access
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Volume 2
Issue 6
Pages 495-506
Keywords transcriptomics, wheat functional genomics
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Additional Information : Wilson led and undertook the majority of the experimental work for this project resulting in the paper which Wilson wrote and which established a large wheat transcriptomic resource.

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