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The importance of the past in public health

Scally, Gabriel; Womack, Justine


Gabriel Scally

Justine Womack


Study objective: To explore the role of history in public health and its relevance to current practice and professional development. Design: An analysis of the issues surrounding the poor attention paid to the history of public health by its current practitioners. Setting: The paper is written from the perspective of practitioners in the UK but has wide applicability. Main results: The paper makes the case that the current neglect of public health history is to the detriment of public health practice. Conclusions: There is a strong case for more attention to be paid to public health history in professional formation, development, and communication.

Journal Article Type Review
Publication Date Sep 1, 2004
Journal Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
Print ISSN 0143-005X
Electronic ISSN 1470-2738
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 58
Issue 9
Pages 751-755
Keywords history, public health, health economics, aged, England, concern for the severely ill, concern for the young
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