Prevention is better than cure: Reducing the speed limit to 20mph in urban areas
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Outputs (28)
Prioritising for healthy schools activities: An initial review exercise (2000)
Journal Article
This paper focuses on one aspect of Health Promotion Service Avon's Schools for Health Project 1997/98, which is the development, implementation, analysis and evaluation of an initial review questionnaire completed by teachers, non-teaching staff, pa... Read More about Prioritising for healthy schools activities: An initial review exercise.
Adult agendas versus young people's priorities: Tensions and dilemmas, commissioned research (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Reducing the speed limit to 20 mph in urban areas (2000)
Journal Article
Regulation and practice of local air quality management in England's major urban areas (2000)
Journal Article
City-regions and the development of sustainable energy-supply systems (2000)
Journal Article
To achieve the CO2 reductions deemed necessary to limit the impact of adverse climate change will require real changes in the way we both use and supply energy. Although explicit international and national frameworks are necessary to facilitate reduc... Read More about City-regions and the development of sustainable energy-supply systems.
The employment implications of a low-carbon economy (2000)
Journal Article
The threat of global warming and unacceptable levels of unemployment are two items high on policy agendas in the 1990s. Increasing emphasis on 'sustainable development' ensures that debate surrounding the relationship between jobs and the environment... Read More about The employment implications of a low-carbon economy.
The Air Quality Strategy - an evolving process (2000)
Journal Article
Assessing the employment implications of a sustainable energy system: A methodological overview (2000)
Journal Article
The traditional economic view of environmental protection acting against the interests of employment is now challenged as outdated and false, with studies in environmental economic literature increasingly promoting the positive links between the two.... Read More about Assessing the employment implications of a sustainable energy system: A methodological overview.
Air quality management (2000)
Air pollution VIII (2000)
PACE: Guiding rural tourism development in a fragile area (2000)
Book Chapter
Alternatives to improve the accessibility and environment in urban centres (2000)
Book Chapter
Air quality management: challenges and solutions in delivering air quality action plans (2000)
Journal Article