Dr. Berrbizne Urzelai Berrbizne2.Urzelai@uwe.ac.uk
Associate Professor in Business Management Education
Global refugee challenge
Urzelai, Berrbizne
A 3-month programme where students from University Arts London, UWE, Taylors, and MTA working with refugees in Malaysia to solve problems around Education and Wellbeing by following a design thinking process. During the programme the participants were weekly mentored by community leaders from organizations working in these areas in Malaysia (e.g. Kachin Refugee Committee, Fugee, and Health Equity Initiatives) and coached by team coaches from those institutions.
Presentation Conference Type | Other |
Conference Name | “Mo (ve) ments of vulnerability: Exploring livelihood, development and migration in a wounded Asia: Inclusiveness, Localization, Innovation” |
Start Date | Aug 13, 2022 |
End Date | Aug 20, 2022 |
Deposit Date | Aug 26, 2022 |
Publicly Available Date | Aug 30, 2022 |
Keywords | refugees, entrepreneurship |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/9905168 |
Related Public URLs | https://www.uwe.ac.uk/research/centres-and-groups/leadership-and-change |
Additional Information | Asia is moving. With the COVID-19 pandemic seemingly coming to its uncertain and arbitrary end, Christian-based organizations working on the ground are adapting to a new world with new norms. Yet, the pandemic has also uncovered many wounds, especially for the marginalized in Asia. Reading the signs of the times for Christian workers in Asia, this means that our mission is entering a difficult phase, where recovery (going back to pre-COVID-19 times) is paramount for the livelihoods of people affected by COVID-19 and their local contexts and new avenues of development particularly for those who have no means to break out of their situations. Organizations are, and will continue to struggle to reach out to more beneficiaries and carry the work of bringing light in a time of what Pope Francis called the ”Easter of War”. What is also crucial for organizations, then, is their own grappling with how to create impact as well. Fondacio Asia hold an online Forum with the theme: “MO(VE)MENTS OF VULNERABILITY: EXPLORING LIVELIHOOD, DEVELOPMENT AND MIGRATION IN A WOUNDED ASIA”. Through this forum, we connected with organizations on the ground who are affected by the realities of Asia on the ground, and to bring to the fore the vulnerabilities we face in the area of migration, livelihoods and development. The aim was to share stories, empathize, brainstorm and find collaborative avenues between organizations. |
Global refugee challenge
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