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Does mindfulness have potential in eating disorders prevention? A preliminary controlled trial with young adult women

Atkinson, Melissa J.; Wade, Tracey D.


Melissa J. Atkinson

Tracey D. Wade


© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. Aim: This preliminary randomized controlled trial assessed the feasibility of a pilot mindfulness-based intervention with respect to reducing the risk of eating disorders in young women. Methods: Forty-four young adult women with body image concerns (Mage=20.57, SD=3.22) were randomly allocated to a mindfulness-based or a dissonance-based intervention (3×1h weekly sessions), or to assessment-only control. Self-report measures of eating disorder risk factors, symptoms and related psychosocial impairment were compared at baseline, post-intervention, and at 1- and 6-month follow up. Results: At post-intervention, acceptability ratings for both interventions were high. Mindfulness participants demonstrated statistically significant improvements relative to control at post-intervention for weight and shape concern, dietary restraint, thin ideal internalization, eating disorder symptoms and related psychosocial impairment; however, these gains were largely lost over follow up. Dissonance participants did not show statistically significant improvements relative to control on any outcomes, despite small to moderate effect sizes. Conclusions: These preliminary findings demonstrate the acceptability and short-term efficacy of a mindfulness-based approach to reducing the risk of disordered eating in young women. This provides support for the continued evaluation of mindfulness in the prevention and early intervention of eating disorders, with increased efforts to produce maintenance of intervention gains.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jun 1, 2016
Journal Early Intervention in Psychiatry
Print ISSN 1751-7885
Electronic ISSN 1751-7893
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 10
Issue 3
Pages 234-245
Keywords eating disorders, mindfulness, prevention, young adult women, body image
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