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Outputs (247)

Digitalization and employment relations in the retail sector. Examining the role of trade unions in Italy and Spain (2023)
Journal Article

This article investigates trade union responses to in-store digitalization in retail in Italy and Spain. It considers critical issues often associated with the digital transformation of work including excessive work flexibility, high levels of monito... Read More about Digitalization and employment relations in the retail sector. Examining the role of trade unions in Italy and Spain.

Characterising redistributed manufacturing in healthcare through the lens of transdisciplinary innovation (2023)
Book Chapter

This chapter explores the emergence of Redistributed Manufacturing (RDM) as a disruptive system that can help address wicked or complex problems in healthcare, which cannot easily be solved by individual disciplines alone. RDM is presented as a new f... Read More about Characterising redistributed manufacturing in healthcare through the lens of transdisciplinary innovation.

SACRO guide to statistical output checking (2023)

This guide for output SDC is the first report from the SACRO project. It covers, theory of output SDC, including the new statbarns model, practicalities, operational considerations, and FAQs for output checking teams.